All about the biography of Wade Cat: Height, weight, girlfriend, family and more.

Real name Wadcat
Born  26. August 1991
Place of origin Phoenix, Arizona.
Resident Phoenix, Arizona.
Gender Guitar player, rock, Hollywood.
Power Winner of the American Idol of the 17th. Season 2019.

Wade Cat is a popular singer, composer, actor and guitarist, born after the victory of American Idol in the 17th century. The season has become famous.

Wade Cote was killed on the 26th.. . August 1991, born in June 1998 in Phoenix, capital of Arizona, in the southwestern United States.

He is raised by a single mother, and for him a mother is the idol of his life. He graduated from Moon Valley High School in Phoenix.

After graduating high school, he moved to Glendale, California to continue his education.

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The life of the wadcat in battle

The hangover never got a professional education, like singing or guitar lessons, because he never had enough money to afford it.

He started singing at an early age when he dug his first guitar out of a garbage can. And before he started working as a solo artist, he played heavy metal for 10 years of his life and eventually joined the band Sugar Water.

The band has performed in bars and pubs, including Noah Drauhon, Juju Stone and Austin Moore, as well as the Wade Cat.


In 2019 Wade Coat auditioned for The Voice. During the interview he appealed to the judges, but unfortunately the seats were already taken.

But instead of being desperate, Wade was too happy and grateful for the incident (he didn’t get a chance to audition) because of the arrival of American Idol that year. And the audition for American Idol turned out to be a golden opportunity to advance his career.

During the audition he sang it for me and surprised the judges with his excellent performance. He was compared to singer Johnny Cash and praised Katy Perry, who said Wade had one of the most unique voices she had ever heard.

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About Wade’s father’s cat

Wade Cota and his two siblings, raised alone by his mother Terry Cota. He is very close to his mother and exchanges loving relationships with his brothers and sisters. But as for his father, he has the only word to describe him – the devil.

He told a heartbreaking story about his violent father and claimed that my real biological father was the devil. Wade said my father was very cruel and that he always hit his brothers and sisters and his mother.

They’ll never have a quiet life until they’re with their father. His mother tried very hard to get away from there, but never had a chance to escape because Wade’s father already knew they wanted to get rid of him.

But one day my father kicked him to the ground with a kick in the ribs, and this incident finally let them escape.

His mother throws away a random excuse for a medical examination and runs off alone with three children. But because they run away from their father, they have a financially difficult life.

Relationship between water layers

Girls, companies and others
marital status Individually
Friends Jasmine Mary Jane.

The cat’s having an affair with an old friend of Jasmine’s. And it all started with his high school in Moon Valley, where they first met and have been living together ever since.

Physical characteristics and appearance

Approximate height 6 foot 2 inches
Weight (approx.) 110 kg (110 lbs)
build Fat
Hair color Black

Wade Coat is very active in his social media accounts, he has over a thousand social media fans. He has a variety of social media accounts. You can follow it by clicking on the links below.

Some less known facts about Wade Cat

  1. Wade Cat had a traumatic childhood because of his father. According to him, his father was the most evil person in his life. Her father never let her live a happy life.
  2. The cat became the lead singer (frontman) of the band Sugar Water.
  3. It wasn’t the first time Cat tried to audition for a vocal platform. Nine years ago, he was rejected by the idol.
  4. It was at his school that he met his girlfriend Jasmine, and they started meeting high school students.
  5. The cat is also a comedian and an actor who has played in 2 short films.


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