Duane Mayer

Duane Mayer

Facts about Duane Mayer

Full name :

Duane Mayer

Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!

February 1960


60 years old




Reality TV star, car lover.

The land:

United States

The horoscope:


Eye colour

Dark brown

Hair color

Dark brown






Beloit Memorial High School

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Dwayne Meyer is an American reality TV star and a well-known car enthusiast from the American Hot Pods series about discovery and learning.

American television star Meyer was born on the 2nd. February 1960to , to United States Born into American families. His horoscope is Aquarius. Dwayne’s an American citizen, although he’s white.

Salvaging a car has been his hobby since childhood. At the age of 16, Duane’s hobby turned into a passion for Chevel Malibu’s street cannon, which was installed in his garage in 1967. He attended Beloit Memorial High School for Education in Beloit.

Duane Mayer had a car accident in.

Dwayne was involved in a traffic accident in January 2017. Meyer was later found to be driving under the influence, according to the detectives. His injuries were not so severe, although the wounds were only superficial.


I’m writing a warning:

Always assign a driver when you drink.

We contacted Duane, who didn’t comment.

Photo of Duane Mayer in a car accident (Photo: facebook)

What is Dwayne Mayer’s net cost and net pay for taking goods with her?

Dwayne Meyer earned a respectable amount of money during his career as a reality TV star and driver. But his net worth is still not in the media. Although the exact figure for the net value is not currently available, there is no doubt that the net value is at least USD 1 million.

Thanks to the American hot rod, Dwayne has saved about $9.9 million in salary and bonuses, but the actual amount of his salary is not available.

Dwayne Mayer is single, married or engaged?

Dwayne Mayer is pretty discreet about his personal life. We don’t know if Dwayne’s married or not. Moreover, he will never be seen with ladies in public places or in the media. So we can’t say for sure whether he’s single or dating or married. Moreover, Duane never mentioned any previous relationships or romances before that date.

Reality TV star Dwayne Mayer (Photo: Twitter)

When he is alone, he can look for his true half, which gives him unconditional love and support at every stage of his life. In addition, Duane has never been involved in any rumors or disputes about his personal life or professional career.

Start of career as a car enthusiast

Dwayne Meyer started his career as a car enthusiast when he started building several hot rods. He has participated in several exhibitions on road transport and car construction. To learn more about hot rods, he planned a trip to California to attend a car show where Duane Boyd met Coddington.

After his performance on American Hot Rodshe was a great success. His exhibition was well received by the supporters of the exhibition.

He continued to demonstrate his excellent car restoration skills and, with Boyd Coddington, he spent five very successful seasons at the show and also became a big hit at the show. He also built many attractive and remarkable cars on American hot rods, including some Alumatub, CadZZilla, 1963 Chevy Corvette Stingray, 42 Woodie, 1961 Impala Bubbletop, etc.



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